My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan
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Author:  Bellett_EST [ Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

Got the speedometer fixed today. The end of the cable was loose, just a bit of tightening, and it works again. Quite accurately even. Speedo shows about 7-8% more, but the hodometer is really accurate, about 1% difference from GPS.

Also got new licens plates this week. New ones are "american standard" and fit much better.


Author:  Bellett_EST [ Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

Today I discovered something interesting. The parts around the headlights are a bit different, perhaps from different year models or something. Which one are correct for '65 or '66 Bellett?

LINK to pics




As you can see, the left one has bigger "holes" between the lights and ribs, but the right one has only a narrow one just like between the ribs.

I must ask Ari if he has those parts, left one on my car is in quite bad condition anyhow.

Author:  KJB [ Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

I cannot open the pictures in this Post.....anyone else having same problem ?

Author:  67GT [ Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

yep me too.

Author:  Bellett_EST [ Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

OK, I tried to save my pics in google.

I'll try to fix this post ASAP

Author:  KJB [ Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

Thanks M..

Author:  Bellett_EST [ Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

I put a link to the pics in the original post. Works?

Edit: Pics for last two post should be visible now.

Author:  KJB [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

All good.............

Author:  BULLITT [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

Here are mine they look the same ?

IMG_2570.JPG [ 2.38 MiB | Viewed 31924 times ]

Author:  BULLITT [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

The other side

IMG_2569.JPG [ 2.28 MiB | Viewed 31924 times ]

Author:  Bellett_EST [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

Bullitt, on your pics they are the same as my left one.

But here, on the time machine are the same as my right one.

Actually a minor difference, but still. It would be interesting to know.

Author:  Bellett_EST [ Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

It has been a really long time since I have written anything.

But it seems to be a right time to something about it.

Last weekend, my Bellett had some friends to come by






I suppose it was the first time there was more than one Bellett in Estonia, definately first time of 4 Belletts running together. Really nice people from Isuzu owners club of Finland, thanks for them for coming by.

We had a nice weekend, opening a season for my club, UNIC.

Before this last event, I have had troubles and cheers with my Bellett.
In february, we participated Oldtimers Winter Rally for the 2nd time together, and resulted in 3rd place. The podium itself wasn't so surprising but the result on special stage 2. really was - we got 3rd best time after 4wd Subaru 1800 (1988) and modified Lada with semi-professional rally driver. Audi Quattros, VW golfs and many other good winter cars saw our teardrop-lights. The Bellett never felt so fast on the ice track, but it seems that sometimes going slow is the fastest way around.

I have also had to face with different kind of leaks. Main problem was the cluch (as the engine has been leaking from the beginning). Last summer, before putting Bellett to garage, the cluch main cylinder poured itselfs contents on drivers feet. It didn't seem to be a leaks from the rings, because it was so sudden.
I tried to take it apart, clean it and reasaamble it, but it didn't help. Ari from Finland offered me a repair set, but the postage time was too long, so I took the parts and went to my friends garage who sells car parts. When I got there, he took a look on the cylinder, then on a piston and found the piston to be from Moskvich. I had checked before form the Bellett owner manual, it looked like the original, but somehow it turned out, that moskvich had almost the same! He had Moskvich brake piston rings in a closet, he gave me a handfull of them for a spare. Thats how I got ready for Winter Rally.
During the last (and only) test drive, I noticed that the cluch wasn't right. It didn't leak, but sometimes it stalled. The pedal was tight due to new rings but sometimes it seemed too tight and sometimes when taking off, the cluch joined really slowly, like driving an automatic.
I knew that the slave cylinder wasn't ok too, but I didn't have time to manage it before the rally.
In the beginning of April, preparing for the season opening, I decided to take a look what was inside the slave cylinder. It turned out to be completely rusty from inside, thats why the cluch didn't work propertly.
As the slave cylinder is a small part, i dumped it in a lemon acid bath for a few days. After that (and a quick swim in soda bath), it was like new from the outside, but the inside had some corrosion marks. I took them off with sandpaper, smoothened with lighter sandpaper and put it all together with the original ring. Everything works so far. But the cylinder itself is like a supermodel under the car, as it looks new, it draws all the attention.

That is about all that comes to mind about my Bellett for now.
There has actually been much more, but I have to refresh my memory. Most remarkable events last summer was the visit of Kerry Bruty and my trip to Isuzu Club of Finland annual meeting. Maybe if I have time, I can remind it.

PS: I am sorry I haven't written here for so long. I should have, especially after I have met Kerry and some really nice people from Finland Isuzu club. I have found out that the community around Isuzu Belletts is the most incredible in the world!

PPS: if you dont see my pics, please let me know. I'll try to fix it.

Author:  Bellett_EST [ Thu May 23, 2019 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan


Author:  KJB [ Fri May 24, 2019 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

Nice pics.
Good to see that Porsche has been accepted into the Bellett pages as well...……..
Your Teardrop just keeps improving...….. posting.php?mode=reply&f=13&t=3500#
Great to read of your progress.

Author:  Farmer [ Sat May 25, 2019 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

Thanks for the update mate. Your car looks fabulous! It seems you are having plenty of fun, and linking in with the Finland owners would have been great. Bellett internationals!
Glad you are having fun. By the way, Bellettnet in Australia have mechanical linkage to the clutch fork, via rods. It's a bit heavier to operate, but never fails due to leaks! (Interestingly, the Isuzu Wasp has a hydraulic action.) I suppose that is because left hand drive is remote from the fork which is on the right side of the gearbox.
Enjoy your summer!
Cheers, Matt.

Author:  Bellett_EST [ Sun May 26, 2019 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

Hopefully there are more updates to come soon.

Meanwhile, I would be really glad, if someone could post some pictures of Teardrop's original floormats/carpets. Is the carpet in one piece?

It seems that I need to make a replica, those grey homemade pieces of carpet have done their time.

Author:  Bellett_EST [ Tue May 28, 2019 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

Found some bad surprises yesterday. Seem to be typical places, as they are almost symmetrically on both sides.

But I still think, the body is in surprisingly good condition for a 54y.o car in a nordic country.

A hole in front of the rear seat
Another view
And another The left side is the same.

A hole behind the back seat
The upper end of shock absorber can be seen
Small holes on both sides, only few centimeters

What are these pieces? They seem to be for holding something, but what? There are 3 of them and only on the right side.

There is also another "holder" for something under the B-pillar on the right side.

Author:  KJB [ Tue May 28, 2019 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

All looks fixable - keep at it, Martti.
Fittings are probably the mounting point for hand-brake when the "bench style" seat is used.

Author:  Bellett_EST [ Tue Jun 04, 2019 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

A little VIDEO about our last joyride in May. My Bellett with many other Vintage cars.

Anyhow, Bellett got a gift from Finland - a set of seats and door covers. Quite a lot of work cleaning them, but hopefully the result will be worth it.
As the interior is having an update, I still have to find a solution for my carpet problem. The old one (self made) don't fit at all.

Is the original carpet pressed to the shape of gearbox tunnel or is it stiched?

Author:  KJB [ Wed Jun 05, 2019 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1966 Bellett 1500 sedan

Most of the Belletts sold in Australia , especially the earlier cars, had vinyl (very tough vinyl) floor covering.
I think only the Deluxes of later years had carpet.

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