BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting
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Author:  BELLETT69 [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting

Greetings fellow Bellett Car Club Victoria Members,
For those of you that have not been informed yet again by the "So called" Committee This Sunday Feb 5 is the annual general meeting, for more details please contact the "President" or myself, I hope to see as many members as possable at this meeting so that we can all have our say and make our votes count !!!!!!!!!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Author:  Glenn [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting

Hi Stephen,

Notice went out in November Newsletter last year by email re the AGM. Since I did not send them, I don't know who may have missed out.

For those who don't know or somehow missed out:-

Usual Venue, Pinegrove Hotel, Upper Beaconsfield, Sunday 5th Feb, 2012. AGM at 2pm. Be there earlier for lunch ! Say 12noon.

All positions on Committee are open for re-election.


Author:  PR91 [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting

my apologies have been sent to the Pres as i won't be there due to being entered in a race meeting on the same date for a while before this was advertised.
my proxies have been given to Steve for the AGM as well.

BCCV members, please get to this event, have your voice heard, and let's get to rebuilding the BCCV to it's former self soon.
the old ways CAN NOT continue, and as the rest of the forward progress and expansion in the Bellett community in Australia shows, there is enough interest surrounding our cars to really get out there and have some fun!

Author:  Glenn [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting

Congrats to the new BCCV committee.

I decided to bow out at Treasurer prior to the AGM (BCCV members, see my Treas report) after some 21 years. In fact, only the 2nd treasurer for the BCCV in it’s life so far.

It has been VERY difficult to get members to attend organised events in the last few years. This maybe partly due to the use of email for newsletters, something I was not keen on and voiced as such at Comm. Meetings. Age is another issue. Members are getting older and interest wanes also.

I haven’t seen any posts via these pages to communicate the make-up of the new committee. I may have missed the section perhaps, but will leave it to them to do so.

I do hope that the BCCV can move forward as promised above.


Ex Treas BCCV

Author:  65bellett [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting

Glenn Congrats on taking a well deserved break!!! Now that you are a foot loose and fancy free normal member (is there such a thing??) are we going to see another car on the road????

Now come on new committee time to show your selfs.

Author:  Glenn [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting

Thanks for kind words .......

watch this space !

Author:  BELLETT69 [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting

Greetings to all fellow Bellett enthusiasts, Well the Annual general meeting for the BCCV that was held on Sunday saw an entirely new Committee become elected.
The new Committee is as follows; President, Brett (pr91)
Secretary, Steve (bellett69)
Treasurer, Peggy (bellett69 better half)
Editor, Steve (as above)
Public officer, Peggy (as above)
Spare parts, Steve, (as above)
General Committee members; Craig (toomanybelletts)
Peter B (bellett66)
Peter Br (goldie)
Greg L.
I would like to say thank you to the outgoing Committee for their effort over the past year, An especially big thanks to Glenn for his efforts over the past 21 years service as Treasurer, Thanks Glenn.

Author:  bembokabellettbloke [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting

Congratulations Everyones..... :D :) ;)

Author:  PR91 [ Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting

Glenn wrote:
Congrats to the new BCCV committee.

I decided to bow out at Treasurer prior to the AGM (BCCV members, see my Treas report) after some 21 years. In fact, only the 2nd treasurer for the BCCV in it’s life so far.

It has been VERY difficult to get members to attend organised events in the last few years. This maybe partly due to the use of email for newsletters, something I was not keen on and voiced as such at Comm. Meetings. Age is another issue. Members are getting older and interest wanes also.

I haven’t seen any posts via these pages to communicate the make-up of the new committee. I may have missed the section perhaps, but will leave it to them to do so.

I do hope that the BCCV can move forward as promised above.


Ex Treas BCCV

my thanks for your 21 years service as Tres Glenn.
your efforts are always appreciated.

in respect to the reasons i believe why the BCCV is in a state of non-activity, i believe as follows:
very little communication from the club to it's members, be it very infrequent newsletters, and when the newsletter is done and emailed, not everyone receives it as some of the email details are incorrect, so i agree with you there.
no events are advertised. the good turnout at the AOMC in may and the great showing at the TCCA jap day in nov prove that members want to get out there, and a few phone calls from yours truly got those members and cars there. this should have been done by the club tho.... and that fact that the AOMC has their own jap day in 2 weeks and the club STILL hasn't advised it's members of this is a disgrace, as i notified the club of the event last october and the fact that we MUST support it in a big way has been ignored....
non-car related events. honestly.... this is a car club, so the common thread is cars, and events should be car related. going to eureka tower by train for a car club event is a joke.... sorry, just my opinion.
this is another reason to ask why the BCCV hasn't followed the ICCA's example and even just advertised the nationals to it's members either to get it's members enthused about getting their bellett's out, which has a rub-off effect on the club as a result. the "old" national meetings of the 90's proved that works back then, and the ICCA and the Qld guys and girls have shown that in current times.
trust me, age is no barrier either. the nationals is the biggest thing the bellett community in australia has ever seen, and people of all ages and backgrounds really do set there whole year around being there, and travel huge distances in some cases to be involved.
as the founder the nats of today, it is truly the one thing i'm proudest of the most, as the amount of new people, cars, information, and most importantly, friendships that have come about from this one event is fantastic, and i believe it's a real shame that the BCCV has decided to not be a part of that "bigger picture".
anyway, none of this is ever intended as an attack or anything of that description, it's just my observations of where things have changed of recent times, and are the things that as the "new" president that i'll be addressing (amoungst other things) to bring the BCCV back to it's strength again.
cheers, take care, and hope to see u in a bellett again soon!

Author:  PR91 [ Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BCCV 2012 Annual General Meeting

for all BCCV "club info" relating to committee members, club email contact, amended membership form and other matters, please follow the below link:


and please read the special membership offer for all former BCCV members and users of noted in one of my posts further down the page.


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