2017 BELLETT National
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Author:  julieandtom [ Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

CAP & shirt orders for 2017 Mudgee nationals need to be with me by next Tuesday 1st August. Emails have been sent but if you just want to phone an order through 02 9580 4877. Julie. Caps $12. Shirts $35.

Author:  1968GT [ Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Just a note to remind those that are intending to come to this years ISUZU National, if you have ordered your clothing , that does not mean you have registered

Please ensure you have registered correctly on the form provided on this site.
These forms allow us to cater correctly for everyone, we have had one experience of a person thinking that because they had purchased/ordered clothing that they had registered, this could cause an under catering issue which would be embarrassing for both parties and we do not want that.
PLEASE ensure you have registered using the correct form and sending either by lodging with us, or copying and mailing with payment to Julie, all information is on the form.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Dave M.

Author:  julieandtom [ Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Hello Isuzu Enthusiasts
THANK YOU to the many people that decided to register early for Nationals. Two prizes have already been claimed and will be presented at the Saturday night function: one for the first person registered and the other is the winner of the “early bird” lucky draw.

At the current rate of registrations, it does appear we could run out of the souvenir lapel badge being issued for the Mudgee event instead of a medallion. I'll let you know when we're down to the last 20(ish).

No change to the program already published.
• SATURDAY evening function is 60s theme: dress in 60s fashion or as a 60s celebrity
• FOLDING CHAIR is essential for: Friday evening meal & Sunday breakfast. It will also make Saturday car show more comfortable. If you have a folding table that fits in your car then please bring it as there won’t be enough tables at the Big 4 for everyone.
• and if everyone brings an umbrella then that should guarantee good weather!

How are those “shake-down” runs going?… Murphy’s Law has already struck two of our regulars! Don’t leave it ‘till the last minute.

Kind regards, Julie Amos, David Maurice & 2017 Nationals Committee

2017 Nationals registration.pdf [106.45 KiB]
Downloaded 911 times

Print the attached form, complete by hand and return via post, email or SMS (photo) to 0414 094 567 (Julie). OR
Click here register online & pay with your credit card . OR
Call me and we can sort out registration over the phone. Landline is better than the mobile for registration: 02 9580 4877 – best time is 5pm to 6.30pm week days or any time on the weekend.
• Deadline for next lucky draw is 30 September. Registration after that earns you a place on the clean-up roster.
• Final deadline for registration (cancellation) and all payments is 4 October.
• Snail-mail needs to be in the post by 20 September. The days of delivery in a couple of days are long gone! If you are using snail mail, please let me know with a short email or SMS so I can let you know if it doesn’t arrive in time. Much better to save the postage and use phone registration and deposit your payment straight into the account online or at a Commonwealth Bank branch.
Kind regards
Julie Amos 0414 094 567
David Maurice

Author:  Farmer [ Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Thank you Julie and Dave for the regular updates.
We are now registered and are looking forward to the run and seeing the family again.
Hmm, a '60s personality. Who can it be?

As for shake downs, I have now driven Dobby up and down the driveway 3 times, so should be all good! Well, first and second gears anyway. Fitted boards to the tray today, now to pull them out and coat them all round. Fun fun fun!
:D Matt.

Author:  Stickman [ Thu Sep 07, 2017 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

At least Dobby is running now.... wish I could say the same for Dubbo the Wasp.
Hoping to have it up and running + regoed at least 3 days before I leave.
At least that way I might be able to do a first and second gear shake down too :lol:

Author:  1968GT [ Fri Sep 08, 2017 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  2017 BELLETT National

Everything is running to plan, so we should be enjoying the weekend without any issues if everything continues as it is to date, starting in 5 weeks.

We have a reasonable amount of Publicity, on local radio and Guardian Newspaper and on TV Chanel 7, up to the Event so expect a good showing with lookers at the Show N Shine, to talk about your vehicles as well as checking them out....

Looking forward to catching up with you all!!

Author:  Farmer [ Fri Sep 08, 2017 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Epic organising mate, its gunna be great.
And I wanna drive a truck that ain't been rego'd since 1988!
20170908_231830.jpg [ 211.2 KiB | Viewed 40536 times ]

:D Matt.

Author:  Stickman [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Thats AWESOME !!

My Wasp has had a similar amount of time off the road (was still used on the farm though)
Last rego August 1981 :P

Dubbo Wasp 044.jpg
Dubbo Wasp 044.jpg [ 1.94 MiB | Viewed 40516 times ]

Author:  1968GT [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Both of you Matt and Sticky are doing a fantastic job in getting ready, hope you have no more issues to delay either of you!!

Author:  pa_man [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Was so looking forward to the Nats this year BUT to say the last 6 months have been a challenge is an under statement.
So wont be able to make it BUT am looking forward to plenty of Photos and would like
to wish all going to have an amazing time and safe travels.


Author:  Stickman [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

pa_man wrote:
Was so looking forward to the Nats this year BUT to say the last 6 months have been a challenge is an under statement.
So wont be able to make it BUT am looking forward to plenty of Photos and would like
to wish all going to have an amazing time and safe travels.



Won't be the same without you :cry:
If it wasn't for Carol making Ken give me a last chance to attend, I never would have made it to my first Nationals in 2010.
Then again, if it wasn't for meeting YOU, Chris and Rob on that first one, I never would have made it to my second........ but then again I would never have made it home again from my second one either if it wasn't the FAMILY love shown by Greg, Lizzie, Geoff, Christine (hello mummy xx) Occa n Trish.

Last years solo roadtrip was primarily fueled knowing that I was meeting you guys (my 1st FAMILY members) at Moulamein, to finish the roadtrip to Albury in convoy.

I know life has it's agenda (personally I refuse to bow to life's agenda and that's why I'll be bankrupt again when I get home this year) but I for one am going to sorely miss your presence at this years Nationals!!

Be safe my brother

Author:  pa_man [ Wed Sep 13, 2017 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Started doing calculation for another combined trip at beginning of the year but as you said life can have other Ideas.
When they announce a location for next year will look at the possibilities!!

Any way have a beer for me and enjoy!


Author:  Stickman [ Wed Sep 13, 2017 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Will do brother, I'll have a beer for you, me and Donkey :mrgreen:

Author:  1968GT [ Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:53 am ]
Post subject:  2017 BELLETT National

4 Weeks to go! :o

C'mon people, fellow ISUZU and Bellett enthusiasts, do you best to be in Mudgee between 13th to 16th October and join in the fun.

Looking forward to catching up with each and everyone of you over that weekend.

When you leave, as some of you will be leaving much earlier to wish Gricey a Happy Birthday the weekend prior, TRAVEL SAFE.
When passing through western NSW be very, very aware of the wildlife, I.E. Kangaroo's and Wombat's, they are out in numbers due to the dry weather looking for food, keep your radar working :geek: :geek: so you do not have a coming together with one or more of them, they make a mess of vehicle's, let alone you, yourselves, may get injured also!!

Travel carefully and safely,
Dave M.

Author:  CQGT [ Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Thanks Dave M. Pretty dry up here as well. The sky looked like it would open up the other day
and give us a shower. But my little rain alarms weren't racing around my kitchen and on the hand basin
in the bathroom. Little fine black ants are my telltale when it's going to rain.
Will be travelling down through Goondi., Coona. and Dubbo to Orange first week of October. Expect there
will be heaps of wildlife about. Don't expect I will be travelling at night.


Author:  1968GT [ Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

If you are travelling together, please let me know when you are due to pass through Dubbo and I should be able to drive over and catch up with you for a coffee on your way to Gricey's as I wont be able to make Gricey's and Cheryl's unfortunately.

Sticky and Greg if you Guys are travelling on a separate route or time frame, please let me know I will try to catch up with you also if you are not with Dave!!!

Travel safe.

Author:  PR91 [ Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

For the first time, ever, I won't be there.
This year has been a struggle in both health and wealth (they go hand in hand when you work for yourself), so it means I simply can't go.
This is also why things down here have been very quiet this year.... My cars aren't being used at the moment too, but it is what it is.
Hope you all enjoy the Nats. Cheers.

Author:  julieandtom [ Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

Very sorry to hear that; you will be missed, that's for sure.

Author:  1968GT [ Wed Sep 20, 2017 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  2018 BELLETT National

Please take in, that for 2018 we are looking for ideas and location options for the ISUZU/BELLETT NATIONALS 2018.

This Event has been turned into a regular, ANNUAL road trip for most of us. We have put together a program this year that we HOPE you all will enjoy, lets keep it going.
Most likely it will be the ONLY opportunity to have so many Belletts and other ISUZU's on the Mountain at the same time!!

Ideas for the dates and venue for 2018 can be released on Saturday night 14th October at the dinner, please come forward to myself or Julie with your ideas and we will go from there.

I have to say, originally I did not want to have the National here in Mudgee for my own reasons, however I am soooo looking forward to having you all here in Mudgee and hope you thoroughly enjoy yourselves.
The same weekend this year in Mudgee is "Pink up Mudgee" in aid of Breast Cancer, which will be the Charity for the weekend, so bring your best PINK 60's outfit and lets have a ball!!
Dave M.

Author:  Stickman [ Wed Sep 20, 2017 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2017 BELLETT National

PR91 wrote:
For the first time, ever, I won't be there.
This year has been a struggle in both health and wealth (they go hand in hand when you work for yourself), so it means I simply can't go.
This is also why things down here have been very quiet this year.... My cars aren't being used at the moment too, but it is what it is.
Hope you all enjoy the Nats. Cheers.

NOoooooooooooo :cry: :cry: :cry:

That's such a bugger. I was really looking forward to catching up and carrying on with the usual banter over a few beers.
Gonna miss ya bro

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